Special Needs Concierge Care

Our Concierge Care offers families of people with Autism and other special needs a unique service. The service is a solution designed to match the ongoing challenges parents, families and individuals face when finding and coordinating resource and services to meet routine needs.


Cicily Cares presents a concierge care program that includes a group of services coordinated to assist with ease of access and assimilation into the client’s environment/community. Cicily Cares believes that the needs of clients are unique and service and access should always address those unique issues. At Cicily Cares we recognize, that while the challenges are great for our special population, a ‘cookie cutter’ approach to support coordination and access, does not work. 

With this in mind, Cicily’s Concierge Services adopted the concept that the right access to services, coordinated at the right time can enhance the quality of life for those with special needs, as well as decrease the stress level for the parents/caregivers. Flexible service groupings allow the program to grow with the client as his/her needs change.

Families select from a list of services designed to facilitate access to expert service providers as well as improve community access. All service needs will be considered, ask us if you have a specific in mind that will enhance your care and support.

Special Needs Concierge Services:

How It Works

The Concierge Specialist will set up appointments and coordinate services with clients/parents/guardians on a regular basis. All appointments can include the assistance and accompaniment of a Care Partner if needed. (Care Partner service fees applies).

Concierge Care has two levels and determine the number of appointments/service required each month.


Concierge Care fees are handled in two ways:

Concierge Care is Private Pay

Additional follow-ups and complex case management of illnesses is not a part of this service, but can be added to your service package.  Please speak to your Concierge Specialist.