Special Needs Children/Young Adults Services

Special Needs Concierge Care

Our Concierge Care offers families of people with Autism and other special needs a unique service. The service is a solution designed to match the ongoing challenges parents, families and individuals face when finding and coordinating resource and services to meet routine needs.

Life Skills for Special Needs

Life Skills Development is also called Companion Services and includes non-medical care, supervision, and socialization activities. Activities are mainly designed to address isolation and socialization needs for adults with Autism and/other special needs.

Special Needs Personal Care

Provide assistance and training to clients in activities of daily living, personal hygiene, community activities, socialization and other supportive care activities.

Respite Care for Special Needs

Short term supportive care and supervision provided to clients under age 21 when parents/caregivers are unavailable, or need additional help.

We promise results oriented services which starts with Agency for Persons with Disability (APD) certificate trainings and special needs experienced staff. We employ a true client focused, individualized, self-directed approach to care that permeates through everything we do. We provide services in collaboration with natural supports from the community to ensure more normalcy and integration in the community.

We are committed to finding and providing outlets and spaces that allow those with Autism and other developmental disabilities to integrate in a more ‘natural’ way into the communities where they live. Our ‘all hands on deck’ approach provides parents and guardians the help they need to navigate  the systems they must interact in on a daily basis.

The provision of community focus inclusive care sets us apart from others in the industry. We focus on age appropriate activities and build programs that promote natural integrations. We listen to your concerns and focus support plans and activities to address those concerns.

Our unique approach to partnerships with community businesses and entities helps to broaden resources for the clients we serve and allows us to be recognized as experts in the community. We believe that our philosophy of engaging community partners creates win/win conditions for all involved.