Respite Care For a Special Needs Child

Short term supportive care and supervision provided to clients under age 21 when parents/caregivers are unavailable, or need additional help.

Providing Respite Care For a Special Needs Child in St. Lucie & Martin Counties

Respite care is short supportive care and supervision provided when families and unpaid caregivers need short-term break from caring for a loved one. Within the Autism/special needs population, this service is typically needed when parents and caregivers are unavailable or have a need for additional help to adequately meet the needs of the child or young adult they are caring for.

Respite care is utilized in cases of an emergency when families and caregivers responsible for the care of a developmentally delayed individual, suddenly becomes temporarily and/or physically unavailable rendering them unable to provide care. Respite Care can also be planned and used to provide relief when short breaks are needed by parents/caregivers to run errands, perform some self-care or just find a small window of time to relax.

Cicily Cares will meet your Respite needs regardless of the circumstance, whether it is an emergency or a planned event. We are especially adept at helping to plan ahead for vacations and social events. We will review all details ahead of time to ensure your time away from loved ones is stress free. 

Respite Care is covered by APD Waiver Services and Private Pay.

Call us to learn more about Cicily Cares Respite Services