Life Skills For Special Needs

Life Skills Development is also called Companion Services and includes non-medical care, supervision, and socialization activities. Activities are mainly designed to address isolation and socialization needs for adults with Autism and/other special needs.

Life Skills for Autism, Developmental & Intellectual Disabilities

While this service is predominantly for adults, Life Skills Development/Companion Services may be provided to school age children who are home schooled with little or no opportunity for community inclusion and natural companionship outside the home.

Irrespective of age, Life Skills Development/Companion Service is focused on helping special needs individuals increase their ability to access the community and create chances to increase their independence and socialization. Examples of activities included under the Life Skills Development/Companion Service umbrella includes job support tasks, shopping, banking, community outings, friendship development etc.

Cicily Cares recognizes the importance of Life Skills Development/Companion Service, because this service attempts to address the social Isolation and loneliness prevalent amongst children and adults with disabilities. With this in mind, Cicily Cares works with clients and families to set up meaningful peer to peer matches that enable learning opportunities for both the client and staff.

Life Skills Development/Companion Services is covered by APD Waiver Services, Medicaid, and Private Pay.

Call Cicily Cares to learn more about this service.